Acupuncture dates back thousands of years and involves inserting and manipulating extremely thin needles at specific points on your body. According to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is at these points that the energy that keeps us healthy flows close to the skin. A customized acupuncture session stimulates and restores your body's natural energetic flow using tiny, single-use needles to reduce pain and illness and promote vitality.
All acu-therapies require an completing comprehensive health history form, consultation, and treatment. Treatments vary from 45-60 minutes, according to need and therapy protocols.
Schedule a treatment nowWe are also in network providers with Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO. Click here if would like us to verify your insurance benefits.
Healing Foundations offers fully-customized, individual acupuncture sessions following a comprehensive consultation. To best accommodate your needs at every visit, each session may include acupuncture alone, or combine additional therapies, and/or lifestyle and nutritional guidance. Your first visit includes intake protocols in addition to your initial treatment and may take up to 90-minutes. Follow-up treatments are 45 minutes each.
Please arrive a few minutes early for your session and wear loose, comfortable clothing that can be pushed or rolled up to expose the elbows and knees.
Some people find relief from their symptoms right away after an acupuncture treatment, while others may see a difference in hours or even days after. Just as with pharmaceuticals, a single treatment is often not enough to alleviate chronic conditions. Your therapist will work with you to devise a treatment plan to suit your needs and schedule, while most greatly benefiting you.
Gentle electric current is applied to acupuncture needles to further stimulate the acupuncture points. The use of electro acupuncture provides controlled stimulation to the acupuncture points without causing tissue damage. Particularly useful in treating pain exacerbated by muscle imbalances.
The National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization recommend acupuncture for many disorders, which include: Asthma, Fibromyalgia, Headaches and Migraines, Back pain, Menstrual cramps, Pain and Nausea after surgery, Tendonitis, including tennis elbow and frozen shoulder, Stroke and Brain Injury Recovery, Digestive issues, Anxiety and Stress-Related Disorders
Click here for thorough list of conditions commonly treated with acupuncture.
Cupping & Gua sha
These two Oriental medicine modalities increase micro profusion or micro circulation on the surface of muscles that are tight or in areas where there is congestion or stiffness. Increased blood flow to muscles and surrounding tissue brings in oxygenated blood and fluids to carry out metabolic waste and deliver the components that are needed for tissue repair and break up any superficial adhesions in the tissue that might be contributing to muscle tension and pain. These modalities are offered as stand-alone services, though in some instances they may be incorporated into your acupuncture/acu-therapy treatment at the discretion of your practitioner.
Cupping and Gua sha are often used in conjunction with acupuncture and bodywork therapies, but at Healing Foundations they can also be scheduled as a stand-alone treatment.
Decrease stiffness
Increase blood flow
Release muscle and connective tissue pain
Increase range of motion and reduce pain resulting from connective tissue adhesions
15 minute session
No initial session required
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Bodywork at Healing Foundations is rooted in Asian techniques that utilize energetic points on the body, similar to acupuncture. The practitioner uses their fingers, thumbs, and palms to apply pressure to specific points along pathways related to the fascial, central, and autonomic nervous systems. Rocking, stretching, and joint rotation techniques may also be used. Your practitioner will customize a treatment for your session by combining various techniques to suit your needs to release stress or help address structural and postural issues as part of a balanced wellness program.
Unlike some massage methods, you will remain partially or fully clothed for your bodywork session. We recommend wearing comfortable clothing that you can move easily in.
55 minute session
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CranioSacral Therapy
CranioSacral therapy involves applying very gentle touch to the external structures of the CranioSacral system, which includes the bones, membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. By restoring integrity to the entire nervous system, this method supports healing in all areas, and is especially effective for migraines, chronic neck and back pain, TMJ, fibromyalgia and other connective tissue disorders and issues related to oral surgery. In addition to nurturing the body's innate healing ability, CranioSacral work is increasingly used as a preventative measure to bolster resistance to imbalance, illness and disease.
55 minute session
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Qi Gong
Experience a different approach to health and wellness. Qi Gong Master, Venus Sabay, guides you through gentle movements and coordinated breath to cultivate your Qi, or life force energy. In each personalized session, you will learn how to harmonize your Qi with the seasons.
Qi Gong exercises are simple and repetitive and build your energy instead of depleting it. A core series of fifteen simple yet powerful movements will leave you centered, calm, and self-aware.
For those unable to stand, Qi Gong can be performed seated.
60 minute private session
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Energy Work
Energy healing is based on theories of moving energy through gentle touch. Energy work modalities do not involve any tissue manipulation found in massage and bodywork modalities. Subtleties within the body are sensed, directed and released. Recipients of energy healing typically report deep relaxation, increased sense of well-being and calm mental clarity.
Chelation is a hands-on healing modality that works with an individual's energy consciousness to promote physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. Special attention is placed on the flow of "earth energy" through the feet upward through the body— to clear, balance and charge the human energy field.
Please wear comfortable and non-restrictive clothing to ensure your greatest enjoyment and relaxation. You will remain fully clothed for the duration of your energy work session.
55 minute session
* Packages available - Please call or email us for more information.
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Reiki is a gentle, natural technique for stress reduction and relaxation that promotes emotional well-being and physical healing. Rooted in Japanese energy healing, Reiki moves the body toward a balanced state by facilitating the calming of the central nervous system to support the body's physical, mental, and emotional healing responses.
Please wear comfortable and non-restrictive clothing to ensure your greatest enjoyment and relaxation. Both hands-on and hands-off techniques are used and you will remain fully clothed for the duration of your energy work session.
55 minute session
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Crystal Energy Therapy
Crystal energy therapy is a holistic, non-invasive, vibrational energy-based system of healing. It is therapeutic and deeply relaxing, as it treats the whole person and their integrated energy system.
Working with crystalline energy helps the body to find its natural rhythm. Crystals have the ability to hold and emit balanced energy and vibrations. Crystals affect our electro-magnetic energy fields or subtle bodies that surround and permeate the physical body. The technique uses precisely placed crystals on and/or around the physical body. Crystals may also be laid in precise geometric patterns (grids) on and/or around the body. The benefits occur at different levels. The deep relaxation that is created is an effective antidote to stress, anxiety or depression, and is helpful in maintaining general wellbeing.
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Private Crystal Meditation
In this private meditation session you will establish a deeper connection with a crystal of your choice. We will explore ways to connect with your crystal and how it could assist you in your healing journey. We will be journeying within, experiencing a deep meditative journey with your crystal that is uniquely yours. This session may include (but not limited to) a guided meditation, channeled messages or past-lives reading.
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Crystal Journey Meditation Class
Establish a deeper connection with a crystal of your choice during this enriching meditation class. Ways to connect deeper with your chosen crystal will be explored, and get ready to embark on your very own healing journey. Experience a unique and deep meditative journey with your crystal that is enhanced by the energy of other crystals present within the group. It is suggested that participants bring one crystal to this meditation class.
Schedule a class nowThis 45-minute class is offered the first Friday of every month. Class is limited to 10 participants.
Sound Therapy
Vibrational Sound Therapy is a non-invasive approach to deep relaxation or meditation. Therapeutic-grade singing bowls are placed directly on the body and struck, producing powerful sound vibrations. As the body is made up of 80 percent water, vibrations created from these specially-designed instruments are transmitted deep into muscles and tissues on a cellular level. The relaxation reflex is engaged, slowing respiratory and heart rate, lowering blood pressure, and gently reducing chronic pain. This type of healing is widely offered as an alternative treatment for those with anxiety, chronic pain, sleep disorders, PTSD, and has been used in medical settings with cancer patients.
Tibetan Bowls Relax and unwind in a comfortable treatment room for this private sound therapy session.
Please wear comfortable and non-restrictive clothing to ensure your greatest enjoyment and relaxation. You will remain fully clothed for the duration of the sound therapy session. Email Venus at with any questions.
60 minute session
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Personal Crystal Bowl Sound Mediation Experience the healing effects of a personalized, one-on-one sound meditation with Tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls, and chimes. This meditation is done lying down, yoga mat provided.
Please wear comfortable and non-restrictive clothing to ensure your greatest enjoyment and relaxation. You will remain fully clothed for the duration of your sound therapy session. Email Venus at with any questions.
60 minute session
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Private Group Crystal Bowl Sound Meditation Experience the healing effects of a personalized group sound meditation with Tibetan singing bowls, crystal bowls, and chimes. This meditation is done lying down, yoga mats provided.
Please wear comfortable and non-restrictive clothing to ensure your greatest enjoyment and relaxation. 75 minutes, available by appointment. Minimum of 2 people. Limit 5 people. Email Venus at to schedule this session.
Combination Sound and Energy Healing Replenish and balance the mind and body with a session combining vibrational sound therapy and Chelation. The tones of Tibetan singing bowls will release powerful sound vibrations to induce a deep state of relaxation, while the Chelation will help clear and balance the human energy field. The session will include rest time to integrate and process your experience.
Please wear comfortable and non-restrictive clothing to ensure your greatest enjoyment and relaxation. You will remain fully clothed for the duration of the session. Email Venus at with any questions.
90 minute session * Packages available - Please call or email us for more information.
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Pediatric Services
Pediatric CrainoSacral Therapy involves applying very gentle touch to the external structures of the CranioSacral system, which includes the bones, membranes and cerebrospinal fluid that surround and protect the brain and spinal cord. This treatment, good for newborns up to 2 years, eases birth trauma, assists with latching issues, or helps infants/toddlers reach developmental milestones. Results are often quick, with improved sleep quality.
40 minute session
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Pediatric Tui Na is powerful medicine for treating colds, coughs, earache, allergies, asthma, colic, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, fever, stomachache, anxiety and trouble sleeping and generally assists in bolstering a weakened immune system. Results are often quick and without side effects. Treatments are appropriate for infants and children of any age.
Initial 60 minute session
Follow Up 45 minute session
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