Insurance Basics
Insurance coverage for acupuncture treatment varies from policy to policy, but benefits for acupuncture are becoming more common. Healing Foundations is a certified in-network provider for Blue Cross Blue Shield PPO and Blue Cross Blue Shield Blue Choice. If your insurance policy has acupuncture benefits, we can help you get your treatments covered by submitting claims to your insurance directly.
Unless your insurance coverage has been verified, full payment is required at the time of your visit. Upon verification of your benefits, any overpayment will be reimbursed to you or applied as credited to your account.
Even if your insurance covers acupuncture, it may not cover treatment for all conditions. Some plans are diagnosis driven and limit acupuncture treatment to specific conditions such as back pain or headaches.
Verifying Your Insurance
As a courtesy, Healing Foundations will contact your insurance company for you. Complete the form here in its entirety, allowing 4-5 business days for Healing Foundations to obtain the pertinent information from your insurance provider.
Verification of your insurance plan does not guarantee coverage of acupuncture benefits. We urge you to be proactive in understanding your insurance benefits. You can obtain this information in a relatively easy manner by calling the customer service number on the back of your insurance card.
For more information contact us:
Phone: 773-880-9939