Getting on Your Nerves
with Holistic Healthcare
Why does it work? It's a question we get constantly– whether referring to acupuncture or any one of the other holistic therapies at Healing Foundations. We do our best to explain– but sometimes really complicated matters are best understood when boiled down to the bare essentials. In simplest terms, it's nerves.
Within the body lies 11 primary systems, including the circulatory, endocrine, and muscular systems– and 12 major organs, some with more than one function. The brain is the command center: all the systems, organs, and parts they control rely on constant communication between networks inside the brain (neural networks and pathways) and throughout the body (the nervous system: central, and autonomic/peripheral).
Acupuncture works with energy pathways within the body called meridians, but stimulating those pathways with acupuncture needles has a direct effect on the body's nervous systems. An acupuncturist leverages this and the nervous systems' reactions to remind the brain there's a problem, and to please get busy fixing it– either by ramping up a solution, or backing off what's keeping things out of place (there are specific terms in Chinese Medicine for this, ask your practitioner!). What the brain really wants is for a body to be in perfect balance, with all the systems behaving and working in perfect harmony like they're in a Coca Cola commercial. That balance is called homeostasis, but with so much going on (internal and external forces), It's no wonder things can sometimes get a little out of whack!
The peripheral nervous system lies outside the brain and spinal cord and has two big players designed to encourage homeostasis: the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). The SNS creates stress hormones like cortisol and adrenaline, which are great for getting to and nailing that business meeting on just a little sleep, or outrunning an alligator (but not good at all for a restful night's sleep). The PNS is boss at rest and recovery. When enacted, cortisol and adrenaline levels decrease, your heart rate drops and muscles relax.
Acupuncture and complementary therapies like bodywork or energy work help to elicit the parasympathetic nervous system's "rest and digest" response. These therapies offer a holistic counter-balance to physical and mental stress without harsh chemicals; encouraging naturally-balanced hormone levels, good gastro-intestinal health– enacting and strengthening the body's ability to heal and recover.
For seven years in Roscoe Village we've been working to heal and educate. In all that time, a gentle smile and a relaxed sense of wellbeing is the most common side-effect we see from all the therapies we offer. That being the case– we're happy to get on your nerves.
““Venus sound healing with crystal bowls as well as tibetan bowls and Jennifer with cranial/sacral massage, resulting in an AMAZING healing, restorative, calming experience.””
Holiday Closure
Healing Foundations will be closed on Monday, May 28th, and there will be no Qi Gong class that Monday evening.
Seasonal Allergy Help
If springtime leaves you wheezy and sneezy and OTC medication isn't enough, a number of scientific studies indicate that those who receive acupuncture experienced a reduction in symptoms and used less medication to feel better. Call 773.880.9939 to make an appointment. For those who prefer natural medications to antihistamines, we stock D-Hist from Ortho-Molecular in adult and kids' formulas.
Multi-Modal Healing
On May 16th Healing Foundations hosted a very special healing event. While Venus Sabay relaxed and soothed attendees with healing vibrations of singing bowls, crystal bowls and chimes, Licensed Massage Therapist Jennifer Gaspers passed around the room offering CranioSacral Therapy. One attendee reported: "I have gained a sense of calmness and positive state of well-being. Jennifer and Venus are true healers of the mind, body, and soul." Stay tuned– we'll be offering more events like these in the future, and hope to see you there.
June 7 Wine Stroll
Join Healing Foundations for the fifth annual Roscoe Village Chamber of Commerce Wine Stroll. Businesses all along Belmont Avenue and Roscoe Street open their doors for this popular event. Walk and wine from 6 to 9, but hurry– because tickets sell out every year!